k8s-vagrant-multi-node: The magic behind this project

In this post I'm going to write about a project I started to speed up multi-node Kubernetes dev environments. I'm going to especially explain how to simple it can be to start VirtualBox VMs in parallel.

Kubernetes and Hashicorp Vagrant Logo

The GitHub repository can be found here: galexrt/k8s-vagrant-multi-node.


The Vagrant VirtualBox provider can't start VMs in parallel (--parallel flag for vagrant up). It is possible to do so, but you need to "invest" in Vagrantfile and Makefile.


Use Makefile to run NODE=X vagrant up, where NODE=X is the "number" of the node you want to be started. To tell Makefile to start these "many" targets you use a "hack" like this:

nodes: $(shell for i in $(shell seq 1 $(NODE_COUNT)); do echo "node-$$i"; done)

    VAGRANT_VAGRANTFILE=Vagrantfile_nodes NODE=$* vagrant up

Wanting to start 10 VMs in parallel using this method would be done like this: make -j 10 nodes NODE_COUNT=10.

Simple but powerful.

NOTE When you use this method with Makefile you can make a "dependency" tree using Makefile targets. Instead of relying on Vagrant.

For a full example Makefile and Vagrantfile, see the Makefile and Vagrantfile_nodes files in the galexrt/k8s-vagrant-multi-node project repository.

Have Fun!

Copyright © 2025 Alexander Trost. All rights reserved.