This post shows possibilites on how to use GitLab in combination with Kubernetes to contionously deliver your applications with Container, using the new GitLab CI Kubernetes Cluster feature.
Container and Kubernetes Training
Container und Kubernetes Training Material
Container and Kubernetes - Day #3
Container und Kubernetes Training Material
Container and Kubernetes - Day #2
Container und Kubernetes Training Material
Container and Kubernetes - Day #1
Container und Kubernetes Training Material
FOSDEM'19 Brussels
Some thoughts, notes, comments and pictures from the FOSDEM'19 in Brussels, Belgium.
My Sysctl Parameters
These are the sysctl settings I deploy on most of my machines.
Rook more than Ceph
Cross-Post of my "Rook more than Ceph" article from "The Cloud Report"
Ceph Day Berlin 2018
Talks, thoughts and pictures from the Ceph Day Berlin 2018.
What exactly is „Cloud Native" even?
Cross-Post of my "What exactly is „Cloud Native" even?" article from "The Cloud Report"
Distributed Storage with Rook Presentation
A presentation about "Distributed Storage with Rook" which was held at Container Days Hamburg.
Container Days 2018 Hamburg
Some thoughts, notes, comments and pictures from the Container Days 2018 in Hamburg.
GitLab + Kubernetes: Using GitLab CI's Kubernetes Cluster feature
This post shows possibilites on how to use GitLab in combination with Kubernetes to contionously deliver your applications with Container, using the new GitLab CI Kubernetes Cluster feature.
k8s-vagrant-multi-node: The magic behind this project
In this post I'm going to write about a project I started to speed up multi-node Kubernetes dev environments. I'm going to especially explain how to simple it can be to start VirtualBox VMs in parallel.
My New Home Office Setup
In this post I'm showing you my new gaming and home office setup.
KubeCon Copenhagen 2018 - Day 3
Talks, keynotes, thoughts and pictures from the KubeCon Copenhagen 2018 Day 3.
KubeCon Copenhagen 2018 - Day 2
Talks, keynotes, thoughts and pictures from the KubeCon Copenhagen 2018 Day 2.
KubeCon Copenhagen 2018 - Day 1
Talks, keynotes, thoughts and pictures from the KubeCon Copenhagen 2018 Day 1.
KubeCon Austin 2017 (Recap) Presentation
A recap presentation about the KubeCon Austin 2017.
CRI-O + Container Linux: How to Install
This post is containing steps on how you can install CRI-O on Container Linux.
Ceph Day Darmstadt 2018
Talks, thoughts and pictures from the Ceph Day Darmstadt 2018.
GitLab: Use Keycloak as SAML 2.0 OmniAuth Provider
How to use Keycloak SAML 2.0 for GitLab as an OmniAuth provider.
KubeCon 2017 Austin
Talks, keynotes, thoughts and pictures from the KubeCon Texas, Austin 2017. Be aware that this post contains many photos! Check you wifi before opening.
Writing your first Golang Microthingy Presentation
A presentation about writing a Microservice in Golang. Talks about the basics, why Microservices? Why Golang?
GitLab + Kubernetes: GitLab on top of Kubernetes
How to run GitLab on top of a Kubernetes cluster with persitent storage.
Container Linux: Deploy on Bare-Metal without DHCP server
This is more of a quick writeup in form of a note on how to deploy Container Linux on bare-metal without DHCP server.
GitLab + Kubernetes: Running CI Runners in Kubernetes
How to run GitLab CI Runners in Kubernetes using the GitLab CI Runner's Kubernetes executor.
Ceph: rbd bench Commands
Commands for running rbd bench(marks).
Kubernetes - WYNTK - GitLab CI + Kubernetes Presentation
A presentation about "What You Need To Know" about using GitLab CI with Kubernetes for Continous Delivery as a quick overview.
GitLab + Kubernetes: Perfect Match for Continuous Delivery with Container
This post shows possibilites on how to use GitLab in combination with Kubernetes to contionously deliver your applications with Container.
Container Linux: Specification YAML
The Container Linux config specification as a YAML template.
Google Cloud: Enterprise Grade Hybrid Cloud with Kubernetes Cluster Federation
These are my thoughts and notes about the presentation and overall the Google Cloud Kubernetes Federation event itself.
Container Days 2017 Hamburg
Some thoughts, notes, comments and pictures from the Container Days 2017 in Hamburg.
Golang: go get from GitLab
I just now came across the problem that I created a repository on a private GitLab instance for a Golang project and could not just use go get ... to get it.
After a short Google search, I came across this StackOverflow question and thankfully it had a working answer.
Kubernetes Elasticsearch Operator
Installation and examples for using my elasticsearch operator (GitHub galexrt/elasticsearch-operator).
(Old) Docker Presentation
An older presentation of I made for my training.
Kubernetes v3 Presentation
The latest version of my Kubernetes presentation. Containing some of the new Kubernetes features.
My Blog Layout has been updated
The design of my blog has been updated with Google Custom Search Engine and some other fixes.
iptables: Using statistic module
This post will show some examples using the iptables statistic module random mode.
Zulip: Installation
A tutorial that guides you through installing Zulip.
Kubernetes Interactive Bootcamp
The link to the Kubernetes interactive Bootcamp.
Kubernetes v2 Presentation
I have update my old Kubernetes presentation to contain the latest Kubernetes features.
Docker: Live restore option for containers
New flag in Docker daemon runtime allows to keep containers running even when Docker daemon is stopped.
OpenVSwitch: Persistent IP configuration under Rhel based distros
Persisting the interface IP configuration for OpenVSwitch interfaces/devices under Rhel based distros.
OpenVSwitch: Multi-Host Overlay Network
Creating a mutli-host overlay network between two and more servers.
Ceph: Build your own cluster on CentOS
Ceph is an object, a block and filesystem storage system.
SteamCMD: Not working on CephFS
A small and uncomplete analysis of why the SteamCMD is not working on CephFS.
Nuclear Fusion Presentation
PSA: Keep your computer clean!
Keep your computer(s) clean for them to work even now when a hot summer is around the corner.
Ansible User Management Role
A simple to use Ansible user management role made by me.
In search of a Webhosting
Some points to look out for when looking for a cheap and good shared webhosting.
SRCDS Server Restarter Script
SRCDS Server Restarter Script - Automatically restarts freezed/crashed SRCDS servers. Using only a Perl script and a Cronjob.
Docker for Admins Workshop Recap Presentation
Docker for Admins Workshop Recap in one small presentation.
Docker for Admins - Workshop v2
Improved version of the first "Docker for Admins"-Workshop. So to say the version 2.
ASCII Link Dump
This is a dump of links to sites, where you can create ASCII content/art, convert images to ASCII and more.
Docker for Admins - Workshop
This post is deprecated! Please move on to the new version of this post.
Online Courses! Online Courses Everywhere!
A list of some online course sites.
Kubernetes v1 Presentation
A presentation of some of the current Kubernetes features.