
Editing Kubernetes Objects

Danger: You should be 100% sure what you are doing and should have at least a snapshot of the etcd you want to edit as things can and will possibly go wrong!Do this at your own risk!


  • ETCD cluster running.
    • etcdctl can reach it (you need to know which flags to provide, e.g., for tls certs and so on).
  • Golang installed (glide installed in PATH, e.g., go get -u
    • PATH includes the $GOPATH/bin (export PATH="$GOPATH/bin/:$PATH")


Step 1 - Prepare Environment

go get -u
cd $GOPATH/src/
go get -u
make vendor
# Stay in this directory
Warning: Be sure to stop all API servers, before continuing with the next steps. Be sure to stop all Controller Manager servers, before continuing with the next steps.Depending on the cluster setup, you may just need move out the according manifest from /etc/kubernetes/manifests directory.

Step 2 - Locate object path

Info: The etcdctl probably needs to be run inside the etcd container on one of the Kubernetes masters.
ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl \
    get /registry/ --keys-only --prefix

I recommend you to keep the session on the server for etcdctl open and after finding the correct key to export it using export YOUR_OBJECT_PATH=__PATH__ as it will be used like this later on.

Step 3 - Get object from ETCD

Info: The etcdctl probably needs to be run inside the etcd container on one of the Kubernetes masters.

Replace $YOUR_OBJECT_PATH with the path of the object or set it as a variable.

ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl \
    --endpoints=https://[]:2379 \
    --cacert=/var/lib/minikube/certs//etcd/ca.crt \
    --cert=/var/lib/minikube/certs//etcd/healthcheck-client.crt \
    --key=/var/lib/minikube/certs//etcd/healthcheck-client.key \
    get $YOUR_OBJECT_PATH > etcd-data-old.bin

Copy etcd-data-old.bin to the host, e.g.:

scp $SSH_USER@$SSH_HOST:etcd-data-old.bin .

Step 4 - Decode and edit the produced output as you need

cat etcd-data-old.bin | \
    go run main.go decode > object.yaml

Now edit the object.yaml as you need.

Step 5 - Encode and save data to ETCD

cat object.yaml | \
    go run main.go encode > etcd-data-new.bin

Copy the etcd-data-new.bin to the host, e.g.:

scp etcd-data-new.bin $SSH_USER@$SSH_HOST:
Info: The etcdctl probably needs to be run inside the etcd container on one of the Kubernetes masters.
cat etcd-data-new.bin | \
    ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl \
    --endpoints=https://[]:2379 \
    --cacert=/var/lib/minikube/certs//etcd/ca.crt \
    --cert=/var/lib/minikube/certs//etcd/healthcheck-client.crt \
    --key=/var/lib/minikube/certs//etcd/healthcheck-client.key \

Step 6 - Verify the object is valid for Kubernetes

Just run kubectl get OBJECT_KIND OBJECT_NAME -o yaml on the object you just edited to ensure it is still in working order.

If it returns the objects YAML, you are fine. In case of errors, such as illegal bytes or so, you should restore a backup ASAP!