Booting Xyz Files

.img File

Info: You must have a working GRUB installation already, if not checkout the Preparations for Boot .

Example grub.cfg (for Fedora CoreOS installation):

set default=0
set timeout=5
# Fedora Kickstart Install
menuentry "Fedora Kickstart Install" {
    search --no-floppy --fs-uuid __BOOT_PART_UUID__ --set root
    # Add aditional kernel command line arguments at the end of the next line
    linux /fedora-vmlinuz selinux=0 inst.resolution=800x600 inst.ks="hd:UUID=__BOOT_PART_UUID__:/ks.cfg" inst.stage2="hd:UUID=__BOOT_PART_UUID__:/fedora-install.img"
    initrd /fedora-initrd.img